Video 10: How To Alter A Corset Training Corset
A later than expected corset alteration video. I had some issues with the corset, I’ll go into them in the video but I discovered the waist tape wasn’t symmetrical etc.
That aside I show you everything from chalk line to new binding covered edge. So if you want to alter a corset training corset you have that’s too high at the top or too low at the bottom, I have the solution! 🙂
Video 9: Final Corset Seasoning Session Corset 1
Today I’ve been wearing my corset out again, for 5 hours! Discussing wardrobe; leggings and high waisted jeans, my final thoughts on this corset and how I plan to alter the torso length next week (yes that will be videoed!)
Video 8: Venturing Outside In My Training Corset
Ventured out in my corset for the first time today, I was stealthing in several jumpers but still it was my first outing! Also tested wearing my corset over a body compression garment for less corset liner type wrinkling.
Plus I measured the top edge of the corset to find the loop side is 2/8 inch longer, won’t effect the corset training but does explain the slight leaning to the left at the front.
Video 7: No Corset Liner, The Effects
Today Nuka is doing her best to be adorably pesky, sorry for the many cute interruptions. I’m trying out corset training without the corset liner and discovering that; no corset liner = bone channel and eyelet marks on my skin, fun. Plus low-rise jeans are still not working for me and my corseted waist measurement is 28 1/2 inches today. PS if I look red (besides under the corset) that’s because I’m actually a little allergic to dogs ? I know, it’s a cruel world.
Video 6: My Corset Liner & Skin Condition
In this video I try a belt n high waist jeans and yes my corset gets stuck in my belt, oh well we’ll throw that one out of the corset wardrobe! I show you how my corset liner looks after taking the corset off, and how my skin looks after taking the liner off.